Thursday, September 28, 2017

Siberian Milonga playlist, September 24, 2017

Milonga in Tymen', Siberia, hosted by the amazing Anton and Darya Mayantzev, capped a day of tango classes, practica, yours truly presentation on tango history and poetry, and, finally, an inaugural milonga at a new downtown venue, restaurant and bar "Sedlo" (which is technically open until 2am, but was actually clamoring to close as we were playing the final tandas just short of midnight). The "Baires" tango club is very lovingly decorated with BsAs tango memorabilia; the grand orchestra names are etched into the walls, and the teachers are properly crazy about spreading the gospel of Argentine tango. The community isn’t big yet, but there is enough energy for a nice milonga already, and the ranks of aspiring, talented beginner tangueros are also amazing. The busiest and liveliest of the nearby Argentine tango communities may be 200 miles away in Chelyabinsk, but we actually had visitors from there joining the milonga!
(and for this playlist comments, I shall switch to Russian now)

Сердечная благодарность Антону и Дарье Маянцевым и танго-школе "Байрес" в г. Тюмень за организацию моего "сибирского десанта", за талант и замечательный неподдельный энтузиазм. Мне очень понравилось. Удачи и многих хороших танд вам, тюменские тангеро!
Photo credits - Мария Ершова, Вадим Чулков.

В тюменском ресторане "Седло" милонга проходит первый раз. Аудиосистема непроверенная. "Проверка звука, она же первая танда" начинается с музыки первого квинтета Канаро (который, как все, кого зовут Франциско, мог изображать из себя испанца и брать кличку "Панчо"). Но уже на второй песне пары выходят на танцпол, поэтому тут же добавляю четвертую запись к танде, чтобы не оставить наших первопроходцев без полноразмерной тандочки.
01. Quinteto Don Pancho - Instrumental "El garron" 1938 2:27
02. Quinteto Don Pancho - Instrumental "Alma en pena" 1938 2:46
03. Quinteto Don Pancho - Instrumental "Loca" 1938 2:57
04. Quinteto Don Pancho - Instrumental "Champagne tango" 1938 2:30
05. Майя Кристалинская  "А за окном" 0:16
06. Carlos .Di Sarli - Alberto Podestá  "Junto a tu corazón" 1942 3:00
07. Carlos Di Sarli - Alberto Podestá "Lloran Las Campanas" 1944 2:58
08. Carlos Di Sarli - Alberto Podestá  "Tu, el cielo y tu" 1944 2:59
09. Gogol Bordello  "Pala Tute cortina 2" 2012 0:19
10. Ánibal Troilo - Instrumental "Milongueanda En El Cuarenta" 1941 2:32
11. Ánibal Troilo - Instrumental "Cachirulo" 1941 2:37
12. Ánibal Troilo - Instrumental "Guapeando" 1941 2:50
13. Жанна Агузарова "Кошки"" 1987 0:21
Люблю ставить аргентинские записи, вдохновленные русской классикой, как вот этот вальс про реку "Вольгу", который "Мой костер в тумане". В стране иммигрантов и наши музыкальные мотивы и музыканты оставили классный отпечаток. Вообще "русос",  русскими в Байресе традиционно считают потомков евреев Украины и Бессарабии, просто потому, что народ в свое время приехал с российскими паспортами. Особенно много замечательных танго-скрипачей пошло из той волны эмиграции.
14. Enrique Rodriguez - Armando Moreno  "En el volga yo te espero" 1943 2:40
15. Enrique Rodriguez - Armando Moreno  "Mariquita no mires al puerto (vals)" 1945 3:01
16. Enrique Rodriguez - Roberto Flores  "Fru Fru" 1939 2:57
17. “Шумел камыш"  0:23
18. Francisco Canaro - Ernesto Famá "Todo Te Nombra" 1939 3:01
19. Francisco Canaro - Ernesto Famá "Tormenta" 1939 2:35
20. Francisco Canaro - Ernesto Famá  “Te quiero todavia" 1939 2:54
21."Мурка"  0:20
Экспериментальная танда, которая не удалась. Запал на звук квартета Фирпо, особенно как под пальцами самого маэстро звенят, как хрусталем, клавиши фортепиано. К этому времени за его плечами были уже десятилетия славы и уход на пенсию, но жизнь сложилась так, что деньги пропали и "из отставки" ему снова пришлось вернуться "к прежней работе". Их вальсы я ставил достаточно часто, а тут попробовал танго, отверг самые медлительные записи, но оказался в результате с тандой очень быстрых, но не очень богатых на текстуру танго. Значит, будем думать...
22. Cuarteto Roberto Firpo - Instrumental 1940  "El choclo"  2:47
23. Cuarteto Roberto Firpo - Instrumental "Sabado Ingles" 1940 2:12
24. Cuarteto Roberto Firpo - Instrumental  "Don Enrique" 1937 2:45
(Перерыв на демо, добавляю по треку танго и милонги для наших учителей)

25. Francisco Canaro - Roberto Maida "Ciego" 1935 2:57
26.   "silence"  0:06
27. The Alex Krebs Tango Sextet  "Largas las Penas" 2011 3:02
28. The Beatles "All you Need is Love cortina" 2006 0:19
29. Pedro Láurenz - Juan Carlos Casas  "Vieja Amiga" 1938 3:11
30. Pedro Láurenz - Juan Carlos Casas "Amurado" 1940 2:26
31. Pedro Láurenz - Juan Carlos Casas "No me extrana" 1940  2:44
32.  "Катюша"  0:33
Еще одна экспериментальная для меня танда - инструментальный Тройло более поздних 40-х, сложная и прекрасная музыка. Сегодня уже были более стандартные инструментальные записи Тройло из его самого раннего периода, самые ритмические, но захотелось добавить еще одну танду попечальнее и позадумчивее. Мне понравилось.
33. Anibal Troilo - Instrumental  "Quejas de bandoneon" 1944 2:38
34. Anibal Troilo - Instrumental  "La Maleva" 1942 2:41
35. Anibal Troilo - Instrumental  "Chique (El elegante)" 1944 3:07
36. Алла Пугачева "Свеча горела" cortina  0:19
Филиберто - гениальный танго-композитор и, впоследствии, бессменный руководитель муниципального оркестра народной музыки Буэнос-Айреса - играл, конечно, и танго, хотя местные знатоки смотрели на это с сомнением, поскольку маэстро принципиально выступал за фьюжн всех народных стилей. Но вот вальсы Филиберто, это абсолютно стоит послушать.
37. Juan De Dios Filiberto "Tus Ojos Me Embelesan" 1935 2:55
38. Juan De Dios Filiberto "Pensando En Ti" 1935 2:50
39. Juan De Dios Filiberto "Palomita Blanca" 1959  2:35
40. Pink Floyd  "Goodbye Blue Sky cortina long 2"  0:29
41. Lucio Demare - Horacio Quintana  "Torrente" 1944 3:10
42. Lucio Demare - Horacio Quintana "Solamente ella" 1944 3:15
43. Lucio Demare - Horacio Quintana  "Igual que un bandoneon" 1945 3:02
44. De Mono  "Statki na niebie"  0:28
45. Enrique Rodríguez - Armando Moreno "Como Has Cambiado Pebeta" 1942 2:37
46. Enrique Rodriguez - Armando Moreno "El encopao" 1942 2:34
47. Enrique Rodriguez - Armando Moreno  "Cómo Se Pianta la Vida" 1940 2:23
48. Витас "7-й элемент" cortina 2012 0:23
49. Orquesta Tipica Victor - Mariano Balcarce  "Milonga De Los Fortines" 1937  2:55
50. Orquesta Tipica Victor - Carlos Lafuente "Cacareando" 1933 2:45
51. Miguel Villasboas - Instrumental "La Milonga Que Hacia Falta" 1961  2:18

Бросив в плейлист аргентинскую кортину, я на секунду задумался, а не ошибкой ли были мои (в основном) ретро-российские кортины в Тюмени? Пошло ли под настроение, или лучше было бы взять заставки "подальше от дома", поэкзотичнее? Но была не была, будем продолжать в том же ключе.
52. Sandro de America  "Yo Te Amo cortina" 1968 0:23
53. Miguel Caló - Raúl Berón "Que te importa que te llore" 1942 2:44
“Jamas retornaras” - еще одно аргентинское классическое танго, в котором можно услышать ретро-российские мотивы. Одна из двух фраз, из которых построена эта композиция, близка к "уличному танго" моего детства, "Сиреневому Туману". Даже слова очень похожи. Но тут, я уверен, связь скорее обратная. "Сиреневый туман" известен с поздних военных лет и вполне мог быть навеян мелодией из Аргентины. Правда, уже в послесоветские годы, когда эта песня снова стала популярной, за копирайт судились потомки двух предполагаемых авторов, и под суду как бы доказали, что эта песня якобы создана еще в 1937 году, но только оставалась совершенно неизвестной. Но на самом деле остались сильные сомнения, та ли была песня, или другая с похожим названием, но совсем не танго, или вообще ничего не было.  Суд судом, а я остаюсь в убеждении, что в данном случае не аргентинцы взяли эту мелодию у русских, а наоборот.
54. Miguel Caló - Raúl Berón "Jamas Retornaras" 1942 2:31
55. Miguel Caló - Raúl Berón "Tristezas De La Calle Corrientes" 1942 2:46
56.Алла Пугачева "Миллион алых роз" (кортина) 1982 0:19
57. Edgardo Donato -  Horacio Lagos  "El Adios" 1938 3:09
58. Edgardo Donato - Horacio Lagos, Lita Morales y Romeo Gavio "Sinfonia de Arrabal" 1940 3:07
59. Edgardo Donato - Horacio Lagos y Lita Morales "Carnaval De Mi Barrio" 1939 2:25
60. Жанна Агузарова "Старый Отель" 1987 0:22
61. Francisco Lomuto - Jorge Omar  "Damisela encantadora (vals)" 1936 2:58
62. Francisco Lomuto - Instrumental  "Noche de ronda (vals)" 1937 2:34
63. Francisco Lomuto - Fernando Diaz y Mercedes Simone "Lo que vieron mis ojos" 1933 2:22
64. Леонид Утесов. "Дорога на Берлин" (медл.)  0:27
65. Osvaldo Fresedo - Roberto Ray  "Isla de Capri" 1935 3:16
66. Osvaldo Fresedo - Roberto Ray "Canto de amor" 1934 3:25
67. Osvaldo Fresedo - Roberto Ray "Sollosos" 1937 3:27
68. Alexey Kudryavtsev  "The heart breaks cortina 2"  0:22
69. Rodolfo Biagi - Hugo Duval  "Solamente Dios y yo" 1958 2:30
70. Rodolfo Biagi - Hugo Duval  "Alguien" 1956 3:14
71. Rodolfo Biagi - Hugo Duval  "Esperame en el cielo" 1958 2:52
Перерыв для вальса именинницы ... эээ, подождите, днерожденного Д'Арьенцо. Теперь припоминаю, что уже слышал, что вальс для дня рождения - не универсальная традиция, и в некоторых регионах это танго, и тут запрос был на ритмическую, уверенную запись.
72. Aníbal Troilo - Floreal Ruiz, Edmundo Rivero  "Lagrimitas de mi corazón" 1948 2:59
73.   "silence30s"  0:31
74. Juan D'Arienzo - Hector Maure  "El olivo (El olvido)" 1941 2:51
75. Любэ "Батька Махно cortina 1"  0:18
Конечно, после перерыва, да уже по позднему времени, нам для пульса энергии не обойтись без еще Д’Арьенцо, притом самого крутого замеса
76. Juan D'Arienzo - Instrumental "Zorro Gris" 1973 2:08
77. Juan D'Arienzo - Instrumental  "Bar Exposicion" 1973 2:33
78. Juan D'Arienzo - Instrumental  "Este Es El Rey" 1971 3:10
Конечно, я не планировал ставить танду милонг в последний час милонги, но из-за шоу учителей мне уже пришлось пропустить шанс поставить одну из танд милонг, когда ей по правилам было бы нормальное место. А жадность, она штука сильная )) Как же можно прожить без милонг? Так что добавляем сюда:
79. Carlos di Sarli - Roberto Rufino "La mulateada" 1941 2:21
80. Carlos di Sarli - Roberto Rufino "Pena mulata" 1941 2:27
81. Carlos di Sarli - Roberto Rufino "Zorzal" 1941 2:39
82. Любэ "Атас cortina"  0:35
83. Soha  "Mil Pasos" 2008 4:07
84. Alacran  "Reflejo De Luna" 2010 3:44
85. "Fool car"  3:09
86. Цыганская народная. "Осенняя роса"cortina 0:30
Лучшее наследие танго Уругвая:
87. Donato Racciatti - Olga Delgrossi "Hasta siempre amor" 1958 2:57
88. Donato Racciatti - Olga Delgrossi "Queriendote" 1955 2:49
89. Donato Racciatti - Olga Delgrossi "Sus Ojos Se Cerraron" 1956 2:47
90. Лидия Русланова. “Валенки 1 (cortina)"  0:24
91. Alfredo de Angelis - Instrumental "Mi dolor" 1957 2:51
92. Alfredo de Angelis - Instrumental "Pavadita" 1958 2:53
93. Alfredo de Angelis - Instrumental  "Felicia" 1969 2:47
94. Леонид Утесов. "С Одесского кичмана" (cortina) 1935 0:22
95. Osvaldo Pugliese - Roberto Chanel "Rondando Tu Esquina" 1944 2:48
96. Osvaldo Pugliese - Roberto Chanel "Corrientes Y Esmeralda" 1944 2:49
97. Osvaldo Pugliese - Jorge Maciel  "Remembranza" 1956 3:41
98. Juan D'Arienzo - Instrumental  "La cumparsita" 1951 3:49
…. и уже на прощанье, специальный трек о Сибири )) Ремикс "русской баллады" Гарделя.
99. Enrique Rodriguez - Armando Moreno  "Sonia" 1959 3:36

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Milonga Sin Nombre de Luna Llena, July 2017

To my great consternation, I can't figure out what was played for the first tanda :) it must have been from a different interface, because my saved list begins with a cortina which followed.
004. Viktor Tsoy  "Red-Yellow Days cortina long 3"  0:33
Since it is a full Moon night, there are many Moon-themed tangos in the list. And the very first one already offers a foray into history. "Esta noche de luna", "This moonlit night", has been composed by José García of the Grey Foxes of Tango. I played his eponymous tango composition, "Zorro Gris", on many occasions and by different orchestras, but I don't think I ever played Garcia's own recordings. The "problem" is that many of the Garcia's hits were also played and recorded by other superb orchestras such as Di Sarli's, and Garcia's "Grey Foxes" always get the short straw.... Todotango reports that José García had much stronger fan base in Colombia & Chile than at home. Anyway - let's celebrate this July "birthday boy" born July 22, 1908! In the image of his orchestra, in their trademark gray suits, José García is the violinist in the center.
005. Carlos di Sarli - Roberto Rufino "Esta noche de luna" 1943 3:11
006. Carlos di Sarli - Roberto Rufino "Adiós te vas" 1943 2:30
007. Carlos di Sarli - Roberto Rufino"Tristeza Marina" 1943 3:05
008. Soda Stereo  "Corazon elator"  0:28
009. Juan D'Arienzo - Instrumental "Independencia" 1953 2:31
010. Juan D'Arienzo - Instrumental "El Flete" 1936 2:56
011. Juan D'Arienzo - Instrumental "La Payanca" 1936 2:32
012. Leonid Utesov  "Road to Berlin (fast)"  0:30
013. Francisco Canaro - Roberto Maida "Silueta Porteña" 1936 3:01
014. Francisco Canaro - Instrumental "Milonga De Antaño" 1937 2:54
015. Francisco Canaro - Instrumental "La Milonga De Mis Tiempos" 1938 3:17
016. Kult  "dziewczyna o perlowych wlosach"  0:30
Another Di Sarli tanda, another dramatic Moon song
017. Carlos di Sarli - Jorge Durán "Hoy Al Recordarla" 1945 3:08
018. Carlos di Sarli - Jorge Durán  "Tus labios me dirán" 1945 2:19
019. Carlos di Sarli - Jorge Durán "Vieja Luna" 1945 2:52
020. Folk  "Shumel Kamysh "  0:23
021. Edgardo Donato - Horacio Lagos  "A oscuras" 1941 2:48
022. Edgardo Donato - Horacio Lagos  "Lagrimas" 1939 2:50
Luis Rubistein (1908-1954)
Luis Rubistein, born July 8 1908, authored both the music and the lyrics of Donato's super-hit, a sweet, gently funny, and softly melancholic hymn to an Italo-Argentine neighborhood, "Carnaval de mi barrio". Rubistein was born Moises Rubinstein to a family of recent Russian Jewish immigrants. A cobbler's son, he never even completed grade school, having been kicked out of 3rd grade after a conflict with teacher over ... the little bright kid's writing poems in class! Luis's father died early and he became a father figure to his younger brothers, who also went on to become tango poets and composers under pen names Oscar Rubens and Elias Randal.
Writing tango lyrics brought Luis Rubistein early fame when Carlos Gardel performed his "Tarde gris" in 1930, but Luis was also also a successful music journalist, and even sang with D'Arienzo, despite being a stutterer in everyday speech.By the age of 25, Rubistein started composing tangos as well, reaching spectacular success with "Carnival de mi barrio", subtitled "Street painting in the tempo of tango".
023. Edgardo Donato - Horacio Lagos y Lita Morales "Carnaval De Mi Barrio" 1939 2:25
024. Stas Borsov  "Anyuta cortina" 2000 0:21
July 11th marks the birth date of Anibal Troilo, one of the most influential tango musicians. I showcased Troilo's life and music before, especially when we were marking Anibal Troilo centennial in 2014. With Argentine National Day of Tango already "taken" by Carlos Gardel and Julio de Caro's common birthday, the grateful nation has opted, in 2005, to make Troilo's birthday, July 11th, the National Day of Bandoneon! In the imaginary Bandoneon Player hall of fame, with such incredible talents as Pedro Maffia, Pedro Laurenz, Ciriaco Ortiz, and Astor Piazzolla, Troilo stands out both as a longtime orchestra leader and as a political survivor, who continued appearing on TV and publishing records well into LP age, even as tango entered its Dark Ages. As a result, to the generation before the Rebirth of Tango in the 1990s, Anibal Troilo epitomized the old and continuing glory of the genre. In my most humble opinion, this glory was partly tainted and not fully deserved, but then, I always rooted for the underdogs and the fallen! Anyway - we will celebrate tonight with vals and tango tandas, and these shall be from the Golden Forties, rather than from latter, darker era. 
025. Anibal Troilo - Alberto Marino y Floreal Ruiz "Palomita blanca (Vals)" 1944 3:20
026. Anibal Troilo - Floreal Ruiz "Flor De Lino" 1947 2:49
027. Anibal Troilo - Floreal Ruiz "Romance De Barrio" 1947 2:35
The 1941 "Charlemos" was the highest point of Luis Rubistein's career as a composer and songwriter. In just over the year, Luis Rubistein's main business in live radio broadcasting will be destroyed by military censorship after a coup, and he will never recover. An incredible song, a tale of a desperate call to a made-up telephone number, with a teary apology in its closing line, which, as a tango historian Julio Nudler reconstructs, may have really sounded "Soy Judio ... Perdóneme ...". Forgive my sadness, for I am Jewish. This was the year of the Holocaust ghettos and deportation, soon to flare up with millions shot dead in the killing fields of Eastern Europe. And Rubistein was always eager to open Argentina to the Jewish themes. Who knows?
028. Carlos di Sarli - Roberto Rufino "Charlemos" 1941 2:30
029. Carlos di Sarli - Roberto Rufino "Cascabelito" 1941 2:32
030. Carlos di Sarli - Roberto Rufino "Patotero sentimental" 1942 2:34
031. Leonid Bykov  "Smuglyanka cortina long"  0:33
Anibal Troilo teamed up with "Fiore" (Francisco Fiorentino) right from the opening night in "Marabu" in 1937, but they didn't start mass recording until 4 years later. And their earliest 1941 hits are the dearest to my heart among Troilo's nearly 500 records spanning over 3 decades. The union of a vocal with the orchestra is so seamlessly perfect! No wonder many in Argentina are willing to credit Troilo with single-handedly inventing the "cantor de orquesta" style of tango!
032. Anibal Troilo - Francisco Fiorentino "Toda mi vida" 1941 2:56
033. Anibal Troilo - Francisco Fiorentino "Pajaro Ciego" 1941 3:00
034. Anibal Troilo - Francisco Fiorentino "Te Aconsejo Que Me Olvides" 1941 2:59
035. Lyube  "Atas cortina"  0:35
Some of Canaro's stellar quintet's final recordings, a testament of a director who already published a memoir of his 50 (!) years in tango, who lost his health and good graces of the politicians, but wouldn't think of retirement!
036. Quinteto Pirincho - Instrumental "El firulete" 1958 2:29
037. Quinteto Pirincho - Instrumental "Orillera" 1960 2:24
038. Quinteto Pirincho - Instrumental "La cara de la luna" 1959 2:29
039. Stas Borsov  "Anyuta cortina" 2000 0:21
040. Haris Alexiou  "To Tango Tis Nefelis" 1998 4:07
041. Mecano  "Hijo De La Luna"  4:29
042. Shigeru Umebayashi "Yumeji's Theme - extended vers" 2001 3:06
043. Gogol Bordello  "Pala Tute cortina 1" 2012 0:18
Biagi debuted in "Marabu" as well, soon after Troilo, in September 1938. These are his earliest, fiery tracks, and we will have time for another for another tanda of the later, darker masterpieces...
044. Rodolfo Biagi - Andrés Falgás  "La chacarera" 1940 2:24
045. Rodolfo Biagi - Andrés Falgás  "Queja indiana" 1939 2:24
046. Rodolfo Biagi - Andrés Falgás  "Cielo" 1939 2:32
047. Orquesta Típica Víctor - Angel Vargas "Sin Rumbo Fijo" 1938  2:18
048. Orquesta Típica Víctor - Mario Pomar  "Temo" 1940 2:55
049. Orquesta Típica Víctor - Lita Morales "Noches de invierno" 1937 2:47
050. Lidiya Ruslanova  "Valenki 4 (cortina)"  0:24
051. Edgardo Donato -  Horacio Lagos  "El Adios" 1938 3:09
052. Edgardo Donato - Lita Morales y Romeo Gavio  "Mi Serenata" 1940 3:02
053. Edgardo Donato - Horacio Lagos, Lita Morales y Romeo Gavio "Sinfonia de Arrabal" 1940 3:09
054. Gogol Bordello  "Pala Tute cortina 2" 2012 0:19
055. Juan D'Arienzo - Hector Maure  "Cicatrices" 1942 2:21
056. Juan D'Arienzo - Hector Maure  "Ya Lo Ves " 1941 2:38
057. Juan D'Arienzo - Hector Maure  "El olivo (El olvido)" 1941 2:51
058. Lidiya Ruslanova  "Valenki 1 (cortina)"  0:24
059. Carlos di Sarli - Roberto Rufino "La mulateada" 1941 2:21
060. Carlos di Sarli - Roberto Rufino  "Pena mulata" 1941 2:27
061. Carlos di Sarli - Roberto Rufino  "Yo Soy De San Telmo" 1943 2:20
062. Russian Folk  "Gypsy Girl (cortina)"  0:22
063. Ángel D'Agostino  (palabras de Julian Centeya) "Café Domínguez" 1955 2:56
Enrique Cadicamo (1900-1999)
We also celebrate birthday of a great tango poet Enrique Cadicamo on July 15th. He lived to the age of 99, published many books and wrote over 1,000 tango songs - so many that even Gardel managed to sing over 20 of them! A bohemian and a womanizer of his younger years, Cadicamo settled down in his later life, even marrying in his 60s, and quitting smoking ... at 86.
No milonga would ever be complete without a Cadicamo song, but "Tres esquinas" is one of the most acclaimed of them, a nostalgic memory of the poor immigrant neighborhood, with its three street corners on a side of railroad tracks. The rails are gone, but the barrio is said to remain dirt poor and full of immigrants, not a tourist spot by any means...
064. Angel D'Agostino - Angel Vargas "Tres esquinas" 1941 3:05
065. Angel D'Agostino - Angel Vargas "Ahora No Me Conocés" 1941 2:35
066. Alla Pugacheva  "Winter Night (Svecha gorela) cortina"  0:19
067. Francisco Canaro - Roberto Maida "Recuerdos De Paris" 1937 3:12
068. Francisco Canaro - Roberto Maida "Ciego" 1935 2:57
069. Francisco Canaro - Roberto Maida "Condena (S.O.S.)" 1937 2:39
070.  "Shalom lach eretz nehederet" 1977 0:31
071. Pedro Láurenz - Alberto Podestá  "Paisaje" 1943 2:53
072. Pedro Láurenz - Carlos Bermudez y Jorge Linares "Mendocina" 1944 2:32
073. Pedro Láurenz - Juan Carlos Casas "Mascarita" 1940 2:53
074. Viktor Tsoy  "Kukushka cortina long 2"  0:37
075. Florindo Sassone - Instrumental "Bar Exposicion" 2000 3:26
076. Florindo Sassone - Instrumental "Adios corazon" 1968 2:16
077. Florindo Sassone - Instrumental "Ojos Negros (Oscar Strok)" 1968 2:28
078. Pause for announcements and raffle
079. Vitas  "7, the element cortina" 2012 0:23
080. Miguel Calo - Raul Beron  "Tristezas de la calle Corrientes" 1942 2:46
081. Miguel Calo - Raul Beron  "Un crimen" 1942 3:00
082. Miguel Calo - Raul Beron  "Que te importa que te llore" 1942 2:44
083. AR Rahman  "Ringa Ringa cortina long 3"  0:29
084. Edgardo Donato - Horacio Lagos "Sacale Punta" 1935 2:17
085. Edgardo Donato - Horacio Lagos "De punta a punta (milonga)" 1939 2:21
086. Edgardo Donato - Horacio Lagos  "La Milonga Que Faltaba" 1938 2:29
087. Sandro de America  "Yo Te Amo cortina" 1968, 1968 0:23
088. Osvaldo Fresedo - Roberto Ray "Yo no se llorar" 1933 2:36
089. Osvaldo Fresedo - Roberto Ray "No quiero verte llorar" 1937 2:42
090. Osvaldo Fresedo - Roberto Ray "Recuerdo de bohemia" 1935 2:36
091. Folk  "Shumel Kamysh "  0:23
092. Donato Racciatti - Olga Delgrossi "Hasta siempre amor" 1958 2:57
094. Donato Racciatti - Olga Delgrossi "Queriendote" 1955 2:49
096. Donato Racciatti - Olga Delgrossi "Sus Ojos Se Cerraron" 1956 2:47
097. Stas Borsov  "Anyuta cortina" 2000, 2000 0:21
098. Enrique Rodriguez - El "Chato" Flores "Las Espigadoras (Vals)" 1938 2:47
099. Enrique Rodriguez - El "Chato" Flores "Los Piconeros (Vals)" 1939 2:47
100. Enrique Rodriguez - El "Chato" Flores  "Salud, Dinero Y Amor" 1939 2:41
101. Zhanna Aguzarova  "Old Hotel cortina long"  0:38
102. Rodolfo Biagi - Hugo Duval  "Solamente Dios y yo" 1958 2:30
103. Rodolfo Biagi - Hugo Duval  "Alguien" 1956 3:14
105. Rodolfo Biagi - Hugo Duval  "Esperame en el cielo" 1958 2:52
106. Victor Tsoy  "Spokoynaya Noch' (cortina)"  0:49
107. Osvaldo Pugliese - Intrumental "La Yumba" 1952 2:51
108. Osvaldo Pugliese - Intrumental "Pata Ancha" 1957 3:19
109. Osvaldo Pugliese - Jorge Maciel "Remembranza" 1956 3:41
110. Juan D'Arienzo - Instrumental  "La cumparsita" 1951 3:54

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Tango Volunteers Appreciation night playlist, 8/11/17

Just weeks after the grand annual Mountain Milonga Retreat and its crazy roaming afterparty, we are ready to celebrate our wonderful volunteers with a special free milonga. Hats off to you, selfless tangueros! Your dedication makes Argentine tango shine bright, even in the wild mountains and forbidding deserts of Utah!
Grand Asado crew at Mountain Milonga Retreat 2017.
What a miracle of a volunteer team work!
001. Ricardo Tanturi - Instrumental  "Una noche de garufa" 1941 2:32
002. Ricardo Tanturi - Instrumental  "Comparsa criolla" 1941 2:51
003. Ricardo Tanturi - Instrumental  "Argañaraz" 1940 2:21
004. Zhanna Aguzarova "Old Hotel" 1987 0:22
005. Francisco Canaro - Roberto Maida "Envidia" 1936 3:18
006. Francisco Canaro - Roberto Maida"Invierno" 1937 3:25
007. Francisco Canaro - Roberto Maida"Alma del bandoneon" 1935 2:46
008. Russian Folk  "Gypsy Girl (cortina)"  0:22
Wild flowers ...

009. Carlos di Sarli - Instrumental "Shusheta" 1940 2:22
010. Carlos di Sarli - Instrumental "Catamarca" 1940 2:23
011. Carlos di Sarli - Instrumental "La trilla" 1940 2:21
012. Gogol Bordello  "Pala Tute cortina 1" 2012 0:18
... and wild mushrooms!
Sopa de hongos, anyone?
013. Juan D'Arienzo - Instrumental  "Joaquina" 1935 3:01
014. Juan D'Arienzo - Instrumental "El Internado" 1938 2:31
015. Juan D'Arienzo - Instrumental "Ataniche" 1936 2:32
016. Russian Folk  "Gypsy Girl (cortina)"  0:22
017. Orquesta Tipica Victor - Mariano Balcarce  "Milonga De Los Fortines" 1937 2:55
018. Orquesta Tipica Victor - Carlos Lafuente "Cacareando" 1933 2:45
019. Miguel Villasboas - Instrumental "La Milonga Que Hacia Falta" 1961 2:18
020. Zhanna Aguzarova "Old Hotel" 1987 0:22
021. Carlos di Sarli - Alberto Podestá "Lloran Las Campanas" 1944 2:58
022. Carlos di Sarli - Alberto Podestá  "Nido gaucho" 1942 3:22
023. Carlos di Sarli - Alberto Podestá  "Nada" 1944 2:45
024. Alla Pugacheva "Million Scarlet Roses" 1982 0:19
025. Enrique Rodríguez - Armando Moreno "Como Has Cambiado Pebeta" 1942 2:37
026. Enrique Rodriguez - Armando Moreno "El encopao" 1942 2:34
027. Enrique Rodriguez - Armando Moreno "Cómo Se Pianta la Vida" 2:23
028. Zhanna Aguzarova "Cats" 1987 0:21
029. Edgardo Donato - Horacio Lagos, Lita Morales  "Mañana sera la mia" 1941 2:52
030. Edgardo Donato - Horacio Lagos "Con Tus Besos (vals)" 1938 2:23
031. Edgardo Donato - Horacio Lagos "Quien Sera - vals" 1941 2:15
032. Maya Kristalinskaya  "Nezhnost (Tenderness)"  0:17
033. Miguel Caló - Raúl Iriarte  "La vI llegar" 1944 3:24
034. Miguel Caló - Raúl Iriarte  "Cada dia te extrano mas" 1943 2:33
035. Miguel Caló - Raúl Iriarte  "La noche que te fuiste" 1945 2:47
036. Russian Folk  "Kalinka-Malinka 1 (cortina)"  0:25
037. Anibal Troilo - Francisco Fiorentino "Malena" 1942 3:01
038. Anibal Troilo - Francisco Fiorentino "Pa' que seguir" 1942 2:35
039. Anibal Troilo - Francisco Fiorentino "Cada vez que me recuerdes" 1943 2:40
040. Lidiya Ruslanova  "Valenki 1 (cortina)"  0:24
Some of the best contemporary milongas!
041. Otros Aires "Los Vino"  2:41
042. Otros Aires "Rotos En El Raval"  3:53
043. Otros Aires "Milonga Sentimental"  3:57
044. Anzhelika Varum  "Autumn Jazz"  0:20
These are very different orchestra compositions despite one title, but all stellar
045. Orquesta Tipica Victor - Ángel Vargas "Adios Buenos Aires" 1938 2:36
046. Orquesta Típica Víctor - Ernesto Famá "Carillon de La Merced" 1931 3:16
047. Orquesta Tipica Victor - Ortega Del Cerro "Una Vez" 1943 3:22
048. Lidiya Ruslanova  "Valenki 1 (cortina)"  0:24
049. Rodolfo Biagi - Hugo Duval  "Solamente Dios y yo" 1958 2:30
050. Rodolfo Biagi - Hugo Duval  "Alguien" 1956 3:14
051. Rodolfo Biagi - Hugo Duval  "Esperame en el cielo" 1958 2:52
052. Folk  "Shumel Kamysh "  0:23
053. Francisco Lomuto - Jorge Omar  "Damisela encantadora (vals)" 1936 2:58
054. Francisco Lomuto - Instrumental  "Noche de ronda (vals)" 1937 2:34
055. Francisco Lomuto - Fernando Diaz  "Lo que vieron mis ojos" 1933 2:22
056. Maya Kristalinskaya  "Nezhnost (Tenderness)"  0:17
057. Miguel Caló - Raúl Berón "Que te importa que te llore" 1942 2:44
058. Miguel Caló - Raúl Berón "Jamas Retornaras" 1996 2:31
059. Miguel Caló - Raúl Berón "Tristezas De La Calle Corrientes"  2:46
060. Mammas and the Papas  "California Dreaming cortina long"  0:40
061. Edgardo Donato -  Horacio Lagos  "El Adios" 1938 3:09
062. Edgardo Donato - Horacio Lagos, Lita Morales y Romeo Gavio "Sinfonia de Arrabal" 1940 3:07
063. Edgardo Donato - Horacio Lagos y Lita Morales "Carnaval De Mi Barrio" 1939 2:25
064. Zhanna Aguzarova "Cats" 1987 0:21
065. The Alex Krebs Tango Sextet  "Negrito" 2011 1:53
066. The Alex Krebs Tango Sextet  "Largas las Penas" 2011 3:02
067. The Alex Krebs Tango Sextet  "Ella Es Asi (feat. Enrique "El Peru" Chavez)" 2011 2:32
068. Zhanna Aguzarova "Old Hotel" 1987 0:22
069. Edgardo Donato - Horacio Lagos "Alas Rotás" 1938 2:32
070. Edgardo Donato - Horacio Lagos y Lita Morales "Chapaleando barro" 1939 2:21
071. Edgardo Donato - Lita Morales y Ravio Gavioli "Yo Te Amo" 1940 2:50
072. Anzhelika Varum  "Autumn Jazz"  0:20
073. Donato Racciatti - Olga Delgrossi "Sus Ojos Se Cerraron" 1956 2:47
074. Donato Racciatti - Olga Delgrossi "Queriendote" 1955 2:49
075. Donato Racciatti - Olga Delgrossi "Hasta siempre amor" 1958 2:57
076. Alla Pugacheva "Million Scarlet Roses" 1982 0:19
077. Orquesta Tipica Victor - Lita Morales "Noches de invierno" 1937 2:47
078. Orquesta Típica Víctor - Angel Vargas "Sin Rumbo Fijo" 1938 2:18
079. Orquesta Tipica Victor - Mario Pomar  "Temo" 1940 2:55
080. Zhanna Aguzarova "Cats" 1987 0:21
081. Fool's Garden "Lemon Tree" 1999 3:11
082. Jason Mraz  "I'm Yours" 2008 4:20
083. Damour Vocal Band  "SWAY - danceable cut"  1:39
084. Russian Folk  "Gypsy Girl (cortina)"  0:22
085. Osvaldo Fresedo - Roberto Ray "Yo No Sé Llorar" 1933 2:36
086. Osvaldo Fresedo - Roberto Ray "Vida mia" 1933 3:23
087. Osvaldo Fresedo - Roberto Ray "Angustia" 1938 2:39
088. Alla Pugacheva "Million Scarlet Roses" 1982 0:19
089. Hector Varela - Rodolfo Lesica "Y todavia te quiero" 1956 3:06
090. Hector Varela - Rodolfo Lesica "El destino la llevo" 1959 3:01
091. Hector Varela - Argentino Ledesma "Fueron tres años" 1956 3:26
092. Anzhelika Varum  "Autumn Jazz"  0:20
093. Osvaldo Pugliese - Roberto Chanel "Corrientes y Esmeralda" 1944 2:46
094. Osvaldo Pugliese - Roberto Chanel  "Farol" 1943 3:22
095. Osvaldo Pugliese - Roberto Chanel "Rondando Tu Esquina" 1945 2:49
096. Russian folk  "Murka"  0:20
097. Juan D'Arienzo - Instrumental  "Bar Exposicion" 1973 2:33
098. Juan D'Arienzo - Instrumental  "Zorro gris" 1973 2:03
099. Juan D'Arienzo - Instrumental "Este Es El Rey" 1971 3:10
100. Juan D'Arienzo - Instrumental "La Cumparsita" 1955 3:44

Monday, September 4, 2017

Bedford Milonga Weekend, June 25 2017

I'm over 2 months behind with posting playlists and of course it kind of defeats one of the main purposes of doing it (which is to let your guests remember what they danced to while the memory is still fresh). But I have an excuse, a big one. With Mountain Milonga organizing duties, I had to let a lot of other things go, and then the things piled up. Anyway better late than never :)

Bedford Wyo tango weekend was very informal and very fun. Per our host's request I played a part-alternative open-ended list, throwing more fuel into the fire as necessary, venturing very old and very new...
Broken-hearts over a cold stream ask me if we'll ever dance in the Star Valley again...
01. Sexteto Carlos di Sarli - Instrumental "Belen" 1929 2:44
02. Sexteto Carlos di Sarli - Ernesto Fama "Flora" 1930 2:38
03. Orquesta Tipica Victor (dir. A. Carabelli)  "Coqueta" 1929 2:47
04. Adam Aston  "Nikodem"  0:20
An airy tanda after a super-grounded one:
05. Fool's Garden  "Lemon Tree" 1999 3:11
06. Jason Mraz  "I'm Yours" 2008 4:20
07. Damour Vocal Band  "SWAY - danceable cut"  1:39
08. Anibal Troilo - Fiorentino "Yo soy el tango" 1941 2:27
09. Anibal Troilo - Fiorentino "Maragata" 1941 2:46
10. Anibal Troilo - Fiorentino "El bulin de la calle ayacucho" 1941 2:30
11. Alexey Kudryavtsev  "The heart breaks cortina 2"  0:22
12. Trio Garufa  "Silueta Porteña (Electro Milonga)" 2008 2:35
13. Bajofondo Tango Club  "Leonel, El Feo Milonga Cut" 2004 2:15
14. Otros Aires  "Perro Viejo" 2016 3:21
15. Soda Stereo  "En la ciudad de furia"  0:24
3rd track is too weak to close a tanda :(
16. Jem  "Come On Closer" 2004 3:47
17. Piatnitsa  "Soldat" 2003 3:13
18. Damien Rice  "Volcano" 2003 3:21
Without thinking about it, I juxtaposed Argentine rock and Argentine tango of the same exact year...
19. Sandro de America  "Yo Te Amo cortina" 1968 0:23
20. Florindo Sassone - Instrumental "Ojos Negros (Oscar Strok)" 1968 2:28
21. Florindo Sassone - Instrumental "Adios corazon (reverb)" 1968 2:16
22. Florindo Sassone - Instrumental "Bar Exposicion" 1959 3:26
23. The Blues Brothers  "Theme From Rawhide 1" 1980 0:21
24. Orquesta Tipica Victor - Lita Morales "Noches de invierno" 1937 2:47
25. Orquesta Típica Víctor - Angel Vargas "Sin Rumbo Fijo" 1938 2:18
26. Orquesta Tipica Victor - Mario Pomar  "Temo" 1940 2:55
27. Soda Stereo  "Corazon elator"  0:28
28. Edgardo Donato - Horacio Lagos  "Se va la vida" 1936  2:44
29. Edgardo Donato - Romeo Gavioli "Amando En Silencio" 1940 2:51
30. Edgardo Donato - Romeo Gavioli, Lita Morales "Yo Te Amo" 1940 2:50
31. Francisco Canaro - Ernesto Fama  "No me pregunten porque" 1939 2:54
32. Francisco Canaro - Ernesto Fama "Tormenta" 1939 2:38
33. Francisco Canaro - Ernesto Fama "Te quiero todavia" 1939 2:54
34. Folk  "Shumel Kamysh "  0:23
35. Eendo  "Eshgh e Aasemaani" 2011 3:31
36. Goran Bregovic  "Maki Maki" 2009 3:33
37. Kevin Johansen + the Nada "Sur O No Sur" 2002 4:53
38. Sandro de America  "Yo Te Amo cortina" 1968 0:23
39. Osvaldo Fresedo - Roberto Ray "Yo No Sé Llorar" 1933 2:36
40. Osvaldo Fresedo - Roberto Ray "Vida mia" 1933 3:23
41. Osvaldo Fresedo - Roberto Ray "Angustia" 1938 2:39
42. Aya RL  "Skora"  0:33
43. Enrique Rodriguez - Armando Moreno "El encopao" 1942 2:34
44. Enrique Rodriguez - Instrumental  "El morochito" 1941 2:34
45. Enrique Rodriguez - Armando Moreno "En la buena y en la mala" 1940 2:26
46. Lyube  "Bat'ka Makhno cortina 1"  0:18
The smiling valses which smoothed my way into the world of tango back in the days...
47. Francisco Canaro - Francisco Amor "Salud, Dinero, Amor" 1939 3:06
48. Francisco Canaro - Francisco Amor "La zandunga" 1939 3:16
49. Francisco Canaro - Francisco Amor "Cuando Estaba Enamorado" 1940 2:49
50. Lidiya Ruslanova  "Valenki 1 (cortina)"  0:24
51. Carlos Di Sarli - Alberto Podestá "Nada" 1944 2:45
52. Carlos Di Sarli - Alberto Podestá "Nido Gaucho" 1942 3:22
53. Carlos Di Sarli - Alberto Podestá "Lloran Las Campanas" 1944 2:58
54. Russian folk  "Murka"  0:20
55. Ángel D'Agostino (palabras de Julian Centeya) "Café Domínguez" 1955 2:56
56. Angel D'Agostino - Angel Vargas "Tres esquinas" 1941 3:05
57. Angel D'Agostino - Angel Vargas "Ahora No Me Conocés" 1941 2:35
58. Enrique Rodriguez  - Armando Moreno "Se ve el tren"  3:11
59. Enrique Rodriguez  - Armando Moreno "No Te Apures Por Dios Postillon"  2:59
60. Enrique Rodrigues - Armando Moreno "Maruska" 1943 2:07
61. Alfredo De Angelis - Instrumental "Pavadita" 1958 2:53
62. Alfredo De Angelis - Instrumental "Felicia" 1969 2:48
63. Alfredo de Angelis - Instrumental "El Tango Club" 1957 2:40
64. Juan D'Arienzo - Instrumental  "Bar Exposicion" 1973 2:33
65. Juan D'Arienzo - Instrumental  "La torcacita" 1971 2:31
66. Juan d'Arienzo - Instrumental "Este Es El Rey" 1971 3:10
67. Beatles The Beatles "All you Need is Love cortina" 0:19
68.  Osvaldo Pugliese - Instrumental "Nochero Soy" 1956 3:32
69.  Osvaldo Pugliese - Roberto Chanel "Rondando Tu Esquina" 1945 2:48
70.  Osvaldo Pugliese - Instrumental "Recuerdo" 1944 2:39
71. Juan D'Arienzo - Instrumental  "La cumparsita" 1951 3:49
72. 17 Hippies  "Marlène - danceable cortina cut" 2005 2:46
73. Goran Bregovic  "This Is A Film (feat. Iggy Pop)" 2003 4:18
74. Kayah & Bregovic  "Ta-Bakiera [This Tabakeria]" 1999 4:17
75. Kayah & Bregovic  "To Nie Ptak [Not a Bird]" 1999 4:40